CheckoutThe main difficulty in caring for a lip piercing lies in the fact that it connects the “external” and “internal” surfaces of the body. That is, the skin on the face and the mucous membrane of the mouth are pierced. Therefore, you will have to use different products to care for each piercing on your lip.
If you decide to get a piercing in the mouth area, be sure to find out how to care for a lip piercing. By strictly adhering to the care recommendations, you will avoid complications and help the tissues recover faster.
Lip piercing care must be carried out throughout the entire healing period . The first 2 weeks will be the most difficult. They often promote noticeable weight loss. Can you guess why? After each meal you will have to rinse your mouth, and with special rinses. Even when you ate candy or a berry. But doctors do not recommend using antibacterial drugs for the mouth more than 3 times a day, as this will negatively affect the microflora of the oral cavity.
So the less you eat, the less hassle.
So, how to care for a lip piercing? For 14 days, be sure to wash the puncture with saline solution 2 times a day. There are two ways to solve the problem:
After 2 weeks, replace the saline solution with saline or soap solution. If everything goes according to plan, then cleaning can be done once a day.
For those who have a labret installed, after 3 weeks it you need to replace it with a shorter one if you value your teeth. But this should not be done with your own hands, but by turning to a master.
We hope you don't need to remind , that it is prohibited to twist the decoration, remove it or replace it with another.