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Clicker ring (snap)

What is a clicker? Tse head rank embellishment for the septum. Tobto for the nasal septum between the nostrils. Ale, so it was only on the cob of the same reason, in the first years, a similar piercing appeared in the current European and American sspіlstvі. At the same time, special clickers for the navel, nipples for the nose. You can buy any kind of clicker in Ukraine and Kiev from our online store for a low price.

Why clicker?

Such a “prizvisko” earrings were taken off through an invisible sound that accompanied them closing. The stench is seen clattering, or at the western tradition - a click. And the shards of the stench were created by the Industrial Strength company, then they came to Ukraine with a ready-made model name: a clicker for a septum.

Vіdminnі rice clickers

On this day, in view of the cob conceived by the creators, only one binding detail was lost - the upper bar, but now it may not be straight, as in the original, but bent. They gave the embellishment itself, as in the most important vipadkіv maє rounded shape: kіltse or pіvkіltse. Truth is, already actively vykoristovuetsya trikutna, chotirikutna that richly current configuration. Ale kuti prihovyutsya rich ornament. The correct geometric shape for 2018 was not included in the trend.

You can buy some clicker for septum from our shop

We suggest practically all variants of the design of the clicker. As it was said above, the shape of the fixation of the earring is unchangeable, but you can see it behind the wear of the piercing. The ringing of an earring for a septum can look like: like a strong, strict ring of a silvery or golden color; • with vibitim little chi karbuvannyam; • decorated with openwork decor; • from inserts from crystals or stone. These are wonderful, luxurious models, which are more stylish than metal “merezhivo” and stone. Also, creative piercing is promoted for informal people who look like a lansy or black color. Since you can buy a clicker not only for a septum, but for a horizontal navel piercing, nipples or nose wing, then chic female models appeared for sale, which strike with their beauty and iridescence of crystals. Cholovіchi earrings, zvichayno, more streaming and suvorі, prote є a number of varieties from a unique, exclusive design. When the material is prepared, it is more important than titanium. The least part of the product is crushed from medical steel.