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Shape with stone - Earrings for piercing Caflon Gold

Form earrings for piercing through Caflon.

Quote earrings with a red stone, star earrings with a white fianite, small sapphires in the shape of a heart ... you will find all of them in the assortment of medical earrings for piercing through the light leader from the choice of a safe possession for piercing through the air - English Caflon
Children's earrings in the ear are most often chosen by the children themselves, the classic forms go to the background, at the same time the fashion has the same original stone forms. On the choice of other princesses, before the piercing, Caflon Gold earrings are worn, covered with 24 carat gold or silver - made of hypoallergenic medical steel 316L. And the best way to shape the earrings is like a heart, an asterisk, a little flower and a cross in the middle, embellishing a small Swarovski crystal of white, red or blue color!

Qi can wear form earrings to pierce wuh?

If the ear is often pierced, then food is blamed, how long can you wear earrings with which to pierce the ear? The answer to the chain is simple - until you want to change them. You can not doubt that the quality, for which earrings are made, conforming to all light standards. It is not for nothing that the English maker Caflon is one of the best in the world for the production of safe and hygienic systems for puncture of the new generation. And the earrings of the Caflon Gold shape do not waste their brilliance for an hour, cover it so much on earrings for a long time, and the quality of the metal absolutely does not appear on the sensitive wears of the smallest customers.

How do you get piercing earrings?

As if you are not in a safe place, without injuring your ears, take a mitzna zastіbka, it is necessary to turn to fahіvtsya. At the salon, the cosmetologist puts on special tweezers, which will fix the fastener on the back of the earlobe and carefully decorate it. It’s necessary to give respect to the earrings after the first piercing, after the first piercing!